Happy heat wave Friday! As many of us on the east coast wisely take cover in air conditioning, I’m headed off to what I’m sure will be a very sweaty weekend at summer camp. No, I’m not regressing to my twelve-year-old self… or maybe I am, but I have an excuse! It’s the 65th anniversary of the camp I went to growing up and also worked at for a couple of summers in college, so I’m taking the drive out there to meet up with old friends and take lots of photos of the gorgeous Chester River. I promise I’ll post some of them next week, but in the meantime stay cool and enjoy these posts from around the web. xo

Have you heard about Spotify? It’s a free music service that allows you to stream virtually any song on your computer or phone instantly. I signed up this week and am loving it; get your own invite here.

This fantastic DIY abstract art tutorial has got me in the mood to paint.

I want to eat these walnut potato rolls with honey butter while sitting on a porch in the south, with my feet bare and a fan blowing.

Pretty awesome temporary tattoos for when you want to look cool enough to rock a tattoo (even if you’re not, like me!)

Ever run into a beautiful photo and had no clue where it was taken? Now there’s a website that can help you figure it out. Brilliant.

Image of the blue grotto in Capri, Italy via