You are currently browsing the tag archive for the ‘fall clothes’ tag.

A leather jacket would make fall’s cool weather a lot more bearable.

Just sayin’.


Images 1 and 2 found via Pinterest

Madewell is quickly surpassing my beloved J. Crew as the go-to place to empty my wallet. While it’s a little weird to think about fall clothes when summer is just now on the horizon, at least I know I’ll have something to look forward to when September rolls around. xo

P.S. Am I the only one who still wants to go back-to-school shopping every September?  It’s a tradition that I can’t seem to give up!

Images via; you can see more of the collection here.

A photo of me.

About me

Hi, I'm Pam. I'm a runner, reader and recent MBA grad living in Baltimore with my husband. I work in PR, but I spend my off-hours writing here about my life, which mostly revolves around family, friends, fashion and fitness. Sometimes I throw in the occasional food photo just to make sure you're paying attention.


For questions or freelance opportunities, contact me at theinspirationfiles {at} gmail {dot} com. I'd love to hear from you!

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